Michigan Tech RFC

About the club:

The Rugby club of Michigan Tech is an organization devoted to playign rugby and having fun. We are open to all levels of skill and experience, and will accept anyone willing to learn. Although we are not currently in any sort of league we are working on joining the wisconsin rugby union, and have recently become USA Rugby members. In the meantime we schedule tournaments with teams in both Wisconsin and Michigan, and play in as many torunaments as we can find.

A quick explanation of the sport:

Rugby is typically described as a combination of football and soccer. Fifteen players per team struggle against each other in 40 minute halves in order to bring the ball into the try zone (similar to the end zone in football). Teams gain ground by running and kicking, however the ball can only be passed backwards. Play is continuous, and when a tackle is made, the two teams for what is called a ruck over the ball in order to fight for possession. There are two main position types in rugby: forwards and backs. Forwards are typically larger and stronger, while backs are typically smaller and quicker. For more information on rugby, please see the links below.

More information on rugby

Wikipedia: A good description of the history and rules of rugby
BBC: A guide to rugby positions
eHow: A video guide to the basic elements of rugby
USA Rugby: Contains a lot of information about rugby rules, league play, rugby news, and training tips